As spring rains increase and rivers rise, the possibility of flooding becomes a significant concern. It is crucial for homeowners in the Brazos Valley to understand their flood risk to protect their finances and property effectively.

Why Worry About Water?

Floods can occur in any location, not just near rivers, lakes, or coastal areas. Areas that may appear safe can experience flooding due to heavy rainfall and poor drainage. The question isn’t if a flood could happen in your area, but rather when and how severe it may be.

Recognizing Your Home’s Vulnerability

Assess your home’s position within your neighborhood. Does it sit at the bottom of a hill where runoff collects? Do the streets around your home flood easily during heavy rains? Understanding the local terrain and your home’s location within it can reveal much about your flood risk.


The Tools for Flood Risk Assessment

Flood Maps: FEMA updates flood maps that delineate areas into high, moderate, and low flood risk categories. For more information on how flood zone maps affect insurance rates, check out Decoding Flood Zone Maps: How They Affect Insurance Rates.


Historical Data: Local records of past floods show where and how often flooding has occurred, indicating likely future flood sights.


Community Insights: Speaking with neighbors and local officials can provide crucial insights into the area’s flood history. For more on the role of flood insurance in community resilience, read The Role of Flood Insurance in Community Resilience.

Simple Steps to Mitigate Risk

Knowing your flood risk is only the first step; acting on it is where the real work begins. Here are some measures you can take:


Landscaping for Flood Prevention: Use your yard to naturally absorb water. Plant native shrubs and trees, establish rain gardens, and slope your lawn to direct water away from your home.


Foundation Fixes: Enhance your home’s resilience by resealing basements, adding sump pumps, and using flood-resistant materials during renovations.


Community Flood Plans: Engage in or initiate community flood preparedness programs. Collaboration enhances preparedness and response to potential flooding.

Real. Local. Savings. With Van Dyke Rankin

At Van Dyke Rankin, we understand the local land like the back of our hand. Our “Real. Local. Savings.” approach means we not only provide personalized insurance solutions but that we also help you save money while doing so. We’re here to ensure that your home insurance strategy includes comprehensive flood coverage that makes sense for your unique situation. Learn more about our flood insurance options here.

Don’t Wait for the Rain

As you ponder the coming seasons, consider this: Is your home prepared to weather the potential storms? Don’t wait for the first raindrop to fall before securing your peace of mind. Contact us today to discuss your flood risk and the best insurance options for your family. Let Van Dyke Rankin lead you through the uncertain times of life.


Floods might rewrite landscapes, but with the right preparation, they don’t have to rewrite your life story. Take action now and ensure that when the waters rise, your stress levels don’t. Visit Van Dyke Rankin for all your insurance needs, because when it comes to protecting your home, every season is flood season.