Many homeowners believe they’re covered for floods through their standard insurance, but reality tells a different story. Homeowners insurance doesn’t handle flood damage. That’s where separate flood insurance steps in, backed by the government through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Surprisingly, only 15% of American homeowners possess flood insurance, leaving many vulnerable.

Let’s debunk some common myths surrounding flood insurance:

Myth 1: “My homeowner’s insurance protects me from floods.”

Truth is, most homeowners insurance doesn’t cover floods. A mere 20% of homeowners have flood insurance, according to FEMA. Living in a low-risk area doesn’t make you immune; 25% of flood claims come from such areas. Don’t think you’re safe just because you’ve never experienced a flood. They can surprise anyone.

Myth 2: “Flood insurance is only for high-risk areas.”

Even if you’re not in a high-risk area, floods can strike anywhere. Flood insurance isn’t part of your standard homeowner’s policy. This means if flooding occurs, your homeowner’s insurance won’t foot the bill. The government does offer financial help, but usually as loans. And floods can still find you in low-risk areas due to storms, pipe breaks, or dam failures. Flood insurance is a wise move for all.

Myth 3: “Flood insurance is too expensive.”

The notion that flood insurance breaks the bank is false. Your coverage amount impacts costs, but most don’t need excessive coverage. The average annual cost is under $500. Premiums are affected by your location, but generally, they’re reasonable. Don’t let this myth stop you from getting protection.

Myth 4: “Floods only happen in specific places.”

Floods don’t play favorites; they can occur with heavy rains and storms. Just because your area hasn’t flooded doesn’t mean it won’t. Locations near water bodies are more prone, but poor drainage and low-lying spots can also invite flooding. The myth that flood insurance is unnecessary for non-flood areas is misleading. It’s vital everywhere.

Myth 5: “The government will assist if I’m flooded.”

Government help might not be as generous as you think. Financial aid often means loans, not grants. While floods primarily occur in riskier zones, they’re unpredictable. Every inch of water matters. If flood waters hit, your insurance company should be the first call, not the government. Don’t leave your protection to chance.

Myth 6: “Flood insurance won’t impact property value.”

Contrary to belief, flood insurance can enhance your property’s value. By having it, you shift flood risk to your insurance provider, safeguarding your investment. While premiums count, the peace of mind is worth it.

Myth 7: “No flood experience means no need for insurance.”

The idea that lacking flood experience equals zero risk is a grave misunderstanding. Floods can surprise anyone, anytime. Just a bit of water can cause immense damage. Even if you’re not in a flood-prone area, preparation matters. Purchase flood insurance before floods do.


In the wake of storms like Harriet and Katrina, homeowners reevaluate their stance on flood insurance. The truth is, floods don’t discriminate. One massive storm can devastate low or moderate-risk areas. Regardless of your location, flood insurance is a crucial shield against unpredictable water damage. Don’t let myths leave you exposed – take control of your protection with flood insurance. After all, safety trumps myths.